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The Monster's Bones

The Monster's Bones

$27.95 $8.98
Item #: D41394
Format: Hardcover
Two men; socialite Henry Fairfield Osborn and fossil hunter Barnum Brown, both want to revive New York's Museum of Natural History. Brown makes a find in Montana that will change the world—the fossilized remains of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The two men recognize the potential of this discovery to save the museum, and other natural history museums, by making dinosaurs a ... More
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$27.95 $8.98

Two men; socialite Henry Fairfield Osborn and fossil hunter Barnum Brown, both want to revive New York's Museum of Natural History. Brown makes a find in Montana that will change the world—the fossilized remains of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The two men recognize the potential of this discovery to save the museum, and other natural history museums, by making dinosaurs a cultural phenomenon. New York Times best-selling author David K. Randall reveals how an extinct monster changed our understanding of the planet and our own species.

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